Electrolysis Can Ensure the Success of the Energy Transition
Energy from renewable sources is the topic of our time. At the moment, only 22.1 % of the energy produced in the EU is renewable but it is set to be 100 % by 2050. How can we make sure the energy transition is a success? Hydrogen energy has a key role to play to release us from our dependency on fossil fuels. Electrolysis is a keyword here. Innovative electrolyzers can be used to produce hydrogen from, for example, desalinated seawater. There are also plans to produce hydrogen from biogas in the future. Combustible gas can be produced from hydrogen and stored in power-to-gas plants. Many industries could make use of this fuel and promote climate goals such as through hydrogen filling stations for electric cars or biogas processing of methane gas.
The challenge: The technology is currently not commercially viable. Schaeffler therefore took an important step forward in the field of renewable energy with the acquisition of the Dutch startup Hydron Energy in 2021. In a pilot project and subsequent projects, we are together researching how the processing and electrolysis of seawater can be scaled up to become an industrial standard.
Hydrogen synthesis: What is behind this technology?
Electrolysis Research and Development: Achieving Climate Neutrality with Hydrogen Research
See what the field of hydrogen research and development has to offer from a selection of projects.
Scientific research at institutes
Scientific institutes across the globe are currently researching the development of electrolyzers and where they can be used. One of the main goals is to reduce the cost of hydrogen production to make it economically feasible. A Dutch research center, for example, has set itself the goal of scaling its PEM electrolyzers to an output of 1 megawatt and of using only renewable energies in production. Systems in commercial use could be appropriately upgraded with a better understanding of the scaling process. Pricing trends are a significant success factor with hydrogen. If the cost of using this alternative energy source remains high, industry will have little incentive to convert to it. This is also true with respect to the cost of green hydrogen where only renewable energies can be used to produce it.
Universities for renewable energy research
Electrolyzer components for hydrogen studies
Whether a private business or a research center: Do you want to include hydrogen in your scientific work? Schaeffler would be pleased to support your enterprise in finding the most suitable products such as bipolar plates for electrolyzer stacks.
Industrial Applications
Components for Schaeffler PEM Electrolyzers
Hydrogen is produced in PEM electrolyzers (electrolyzers with polymer electrolyte membranes) using purified water. Our electrolyzer stacks are available in a range of sizes and designs.
The Hydron PowerStack K0* is a multi-versatile single-cell electrolyzer stack with an active cell area of 10 cm² and is specifically developed to facilitate research and development activities on membranes, catalyst and electrodes.
The Hydron PowerStack K1* features an active cell area of 25 cm², boasts high current density operation and is available in a single-cell or multi-cell configuration. This platform is developed for material research purposes as well as small scale electrolysis systems.
The Hydron PowerStack K10* has an active cell area of 100 cm² and is available in multi-cell configuration. This platform can facilitate R&D activities on stack materials and electrochemical processes and can be applied in small to medium scale electrolysis systems.
The Hydron PowerStack K100 is available in a 50kW and a 100kW configuration. This platform is designed for industrial applications - application examples include Hydrogen Refueling Stations or modular “onsite hydrogen generation systems” for energy storage at wind & solar plants. Additionally, this stack platform is equipped with a separate cooling loop, which enables cost effective discharge of excess heat.
The innovative HYDRON PowerStacks K0, K1 and K10 can also be adapted to other electrochemical processes.